Wilkes Business Link-Leads Group: The purpose of the WBL is to provide opportunities for members to connect with other businesses, share best business practices, and Generate Referrals. In summary the mission is to help each other prosper. This group meets weekly in the chamber boardroom on Thursdays from 8:30am-9:15am.
Please email Terrian Carter for more information at tcarter@wilkesnc.org
Click Here for By Laws & Application
September 10 Minute Presenter
5th Mark Bachmeier- White's Creek Human Resources, LLC https://www.whitescreekhr.com/
12th Linda Cheek-President Wilkes Chamber of Commerce "Did You Know"
19th Jamie Stone-Carolina West Wireless
26th One on One (Wilkes Chamber Golf Tournament Day)
If this date doesn't work for you to be the 10 min presenter, please switch with someone else.
Have you had a one-on-one this week? If not schedule one today!
Who Are you?
Your Background
Number of years of experience in your current position
Accomplishments, Career Achievements
Creative Power Words
Skills, 2 or 3 skills that are relevant to your position/Industry
What do you offer
What makes you unique
Practice your Statement
Thursday Sep 5, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM EDT
Wilkes Chamber of Commerce
717 Main Street
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
This Event Is FREE
Terrian Carter
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